

Tea drinking has been an important part of Japanese culture for centuries. It has been associated with customs and rituals and considered a health promoting habit. More recently tea consumption became recognized as a way to spend time with someone and create happy memories. Discover the world of tea through this blog.


Discover Chikiriya amazing tea recipes!

Gion Matsuri

The Gion Matsuri is the festival of the Yasaka Shrine and has a history dating back to 869. Originally held to pray for the delivrance from an epidemic outbreak, the festival has grown into a huge celebration of Kyoto culture. The festival is best known for its yamaboko floats parading in the streets of Kyoto.

About tea

Tea has been enjoyed in Japan for more than 800 years. Nowadays, it is an essential part of the daily diet in Japanese households. Ryokucha, a generic term describing Japanese green tea, encompasses different types of tea such as Matcha, Gyokuro, Sencha and Hojicha. Still, they both are different. Do you know why?