
Chikiriya tea shop

Situated in the center of Kyoto, our main shop stand in the Koromonotanacho district, the same district that saw the birth of the Chikiriya brand 450 years ago. Even today, the district is still very much steeped in the traditions of Kyoto.

During the Gion Matsuri, the awe-inspiring floats from all districts in Kyoto go down the main streets of the city.
The float of the district, the Takayama float, was partly destroyed in the 19th century and hasn't been part of the Gion Matsuri parade since then. Recently, Chikiriya has joined and taken an active part in the Recovery of the Takayama Float project, a local initiative aim to restore and rebuild the Takayama float. Thanks to this initiative, the float is due to parade in the 2022 edition of the Gion Matsuri, a first in 196 years.

 Chikiriya tea shop - Kyoto

Open hours
9:00am – 5:30pm (Mon–Fri)
Close days
Weekends and public holidays
45 Koromonotanacho, Sanjo-Muromachi-Nishi-iru, Nakagyou-ku, Kyoto City, 604-8203, JAPAN

Access from Kyoto Station:
Take the subway (Karasuma Line) to Karasumaoike Station.
The store is a 5 minute walk from the No. 6 exit.

Chikiriya Shizuoka Factory

Chikiriya Shizuoka Factory

Chikiriya Shizuoka Factory is situated in Kikugawa city, in the middle of the most famous production area for deep-steamed Japanese green ten (Fukamushi Sencha). This location make it ideals to work with tea farmers, farming cooperative and steaming factory to ensure the highest quality of all the tea leaves used in our teas.

Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment for safety production and quality control, the factory has also been certified for ISO9001:2015 (Quality Management System) and Organic JAS (Organic agriculture Japan).

Thanks to this asset, we proud ourselves in delivering the highest quality teas to all our customer everywhere in the world.

56-2 Kannoo Kikugawa, Shizuoka, 439-0016, JAPAN